The Decorating Ideas Blog

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My blog is DIY decorating talk at its finest...dedicated to informing and educating you in all things decor. It delivers insight about topics such as color inspiration, refurbishing furniture and painting techniques that you might otherwise miss.

It also allows you to focus on topics that matter the most like spending quality time with your family while creating a loving environment and at the same time saving money that can be spent elsewhere.

Do I hear vacation?

How Do I Learn To Be Successful At Home Decorating?

The Decorating Ideas Blog delivers insights that have been gleaned from top decorators, designers and DIY-ers who will help you advance your personal decorating techniques and style to effectively transform your current home into your dream home.

Learn the answer to challenging questions like...

  • How do I keep my decorating plan moving forward with limited resources?
  • What is the secret of making my home appear that I just stepped into a decorating magazine?
  • How can I have a designer home on a dime when I'm not naturally a DIY-er?
  • Is it possible to make my home look like it has just been visited by a professional decorator AND not break the bank at the same time?

When you subscribe to my blog, you will automatically be kept up to date with new additions to DIY Decorating as they happen, plus updates in the ever changing and highly coveted world of decorating!

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Bring your DIY decorating thoughts and ideas to the round table and join decorators, designers and DIY-ers around the world, like yourself, as they discuss the hottest decorating trends, project ideas, ever changing color pallets and the positive impact a little creative decorating and budget saving ingenuity can have on your life.

Learn how designers use color, shape, texture and the immediate environment to optimize the perfect home for you.

Become part of my Decorating Blog! Share your DIY decorating sentiments, plans and solutions to saving money, your favorite project or even your current project. Your contribution becomes part of this blog for others to read and learn from!

Subscribe to the Decorating Ideas Blog today and stay ahead of the game and keep up with what's new in the rapidly changing world of decorating.



Read what's new on my DIY Decorating Ideas Blog...

Recent Articles

  1. DIY Fireplace Makeover

    Sep 16, 24 12:26 AM

    Make your space stunning with the DIY Fireplace Makeover that is also budget friendly.

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  2. Less stressful Way to Purchase Traditional Middle Eastern rugs

    Jul 10, 22 06:03 PM

    A recent purchase of an Afghan rug
    I have always found the purchase of a traditional Middle Eastern rug to be a stressful experience as they are a huge investment. But they are so beautiful

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  3. Seasonal Decoration Changes

    Feb 27, 21 05:34 PM

    Halloween fun
    I am in the later half of my life. I have always dreamed of having a home that was a neutral background and I could use artwork and decor to change the

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